The use of fire has been a great help to humanity since the beginning of time. Through technology and innovation, we have been able to control fire and use it for our own purposes. However, sometimes during difficult situations, controlling fire can be difficult. This is when, due to accidents or malfunctions, fire can spread out naturally and become a hazard for those in the area.
Fires that are not controlled or implemented properly can quickly escalate the situation, therefore proposing major risks to surrounding people, infrastructure and the environment. That’s why fire protection services are crucial in order to protect further damage. These services include using fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and fire sprinklers to help control any spreading fires.
Fire protection services in Brisbane are readily available at MFE Services when you require it. We can help install devices and tools that can be used to save lives and prevent further damage, if a plan doesn’t follow its desired course or outcome. This includes installations of fire alarms in Brisbane. Fire protection is crucial for any business. Not only does it keep your employees safe, but it also helps to protect your assets. Without the proper fire-safety measures in place, a business can quickly fall apart. That’s why it’s so important to have fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and other safety equipment in place. These tools can help to keep a business safe in the event of a fire, as well as ensure public safety.
According to the National Safety Council of Australia:
- Only 26% of the Australian population is trained in first aid
- Less than 25% of the staff members in the workforce can remember where exactly is the fire extinguisher located
- Less than 50% of a building’s occupancy know what plan of action to follow, in the case of a fire emergency
Additionally, Fire & Safety Australia reported that:
- Less than 50% of building occupants feel safe and confident in opening and using the fire extinguisher
- Over 50% of people open the fire extinguisher incorrectly or dangerously, therefore risking worsening the situation
- Only 13% of the population is aware of the different types of fire extinguishers and when to appropriately use them.
Here are a few reasons why fire protection in the workplace is a MUST:
Keeping Employees Safe
The most important thing in any workplace is the employees. You cannot risk their lives so easily. Making sure your fire protection protocols are in place only ensures their safety. Imagine a fire breaking out and most of the people not knowing what to do. Before being able to find a resolution, their lack of knowledge about fire safety compromises their own. Fire training is a must in all workplaces.
The Law Demands It
That’s right. Every employee needs to be able to identify any hazard, how to assess the risk and they also need to be able to pass a written risk assessment. All of this is written under Section 19 of the Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (the 2005 Act). Hence, it is beneficial to host fire training sessions for your employees, to ensure that they remain informed.
To Avoid Any Losses
If a fire does break out, it is in your best interest to prevent it from spreading and damaging your goods, accounts, documents, property and so much more.
To Avoid Litigation
You do not want to be sued by angry employees who were injured in a fire or by officials who notice that you’re not complying with fire safety regulations and the law.
At MFE Services, we offer facilities that help keep you safe during any mishaps. With sprinklers and fire alarm installation in Brisbane, MFE Services provides a plethora of resources and tools available for your use, as we consider your safety as our first and utmost priority. We understand that fire protection in Brisbane is pivotal, especially considering the dry, extreme climates that are approaching soon as we head into Summer. Visit our website at to find out more.
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